Gregers Wegener - Experimental Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology

Research Focus

Key Research Areas

Psychiatric disorders and neuropharmacology. The research aims at understanding the neurobiology behind depression and anxiety with special attention on the interaction of genetic and environmental factors, with emphasis of understanding and developing novel rapid-acting therapeutics. Transgenerational health, the interface between somatic (e.g. Diabetes) and mental health disorders are prioritized.

Publications from Gregers Wegener

Research activities

Research Focus


Main Research Techniques

  • Disease models of mental health disorders
  • Genetically modified animals
  • Stereotactic surgery
  • Microdialysis
  • HPLC
  • RT qPCR
  • Western Blotting
  • Stereology

Available projects

We welcome bachelor, master, research year and PhD students from relevant disciplines such as biology, biomedicine, medicine, molecular biology, pharmacology and psychology to perform research projects within any of our areas of expertise.