Educational Symposium in Psychiatry 2024

We are happy invite you to join us on 20 June 2024 for the Educational Symposium in Psychiatry which will offer a full day of inspirational workshops, talks and posters.

  • The interactive educational workshop Brain-body interactions in mental health: The interplay between metabolic disorders and brain health is particularly aimed at clinicians. (Limitied number of seats available)
  • Students are encouraged to sign up for one of the pre-symposium overview workshops. (Limited number of seats available)
  • Everyone is welcome at the Translational Excellence Symposium where basic research meets clinical practice when estimeed international researchers will present and discuss the latest advances within the field of translational psychiatry.
  • The poster exhibition is an excellent opportunity for pre-graduate students, PhD students, postdocs and senior researchers to present their research and network
  • The best poster will be awarded a prize of 1,000 EUR, and poster abstracts will be printed in the International journal Acta Neuropsychiatrica
  • There will be excellent opportunities to network throughout the day but also during the social event, if participants sign up (only 200 DKK ) for the dinner.
  • The event qualifies as a Conference; PhD students may apply the Graduate School of Health for 0.5 ECTS credits for active participation (check guidelines with the Graduate School of Health)

We are very grateful to the Lundbeck Foundation for their generous funding, which has made this event possible.

The event is organized by Translational Neuropsychiatry Unit, Aarhus University & Aarhus University Hospital Psychiatry and hosted by Translational Neuropsychiatry Unit, Aarhus University.



09:00 - 11:00: POSTER MOUNT


  • Workshop 1: Overview of preclinical models in psychiatry
    Fabricio Moreira and Gregers Wegener
  • Workshop 2: Overview of Imaging in psychiatry
    Oskar Hougaard Jefsen and Martin Dietz

10.00 - 10.15:  COFFEE BREAK


  • Nils Opel, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Germany
    Brain-body interactions in mental health: The interplay between metabolic disorders and brain health

11.45 – 13.00  POSTERWALK AND LUNCH (Sandwiches and drinks)


  • 13.00 – 13.10: Welcome by Per Brøndsted Höllsberg, Vice-dean for Research, HEALTH, AU
  • 13.10 – 13.50: Eva Serlachius University of Lund, Sweden
    Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for pediatric anxiety disorders: Current status and future directions
  • 13.50 – 14.30: Unnur Valdimarsdottir, University of Iceland, Iceland
    The role of traumatic experiences in childhood in the development of severe mental disorders
  • 14.30 – 15.10: Christian Otte, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
    Challenges of treating treatment resistant depression
  • 15.30 – 16.10: Sophie Erhardt, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
    The role of inflammation in mental health disorders: a fresh view.
  • 16.10 – 16.50: Jaanus Harro, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
    Serotonin and impulsivity-related behaviour in mice and men revisited
  • 16.50 - 17.30: Edmund Sonuga-Barke, King’s College London, London, UK
    Reinvigorating ADHD translation science
  • 17.30: Concluding remarks

17.30 – 18.15: POSTER WALK - Networking with refreshments

18.15 – 18.30: TRANSPORT

18.30 – 21.30: DINNER (Restaurant ’Det Glade Vanvid’)

Abstract Book 2024


8:30 - 10:00

10:15 - 11:45

11:45 - 18:15
The Translational Excellence Symposium, The Poster Exhibition, Lunch, Coffee and Refreshments will take place in and just outside Auditorium G206-145

Auditorium G206-145 & Conference rooms
Aarhus University Hospital, Entrance G
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99
8200 Aarhus N


Register here

Registration deadline: 5 June

Meet the seven invited speakers/workshop host